- All his dinky cars, Corvette (Corbette), Mustang, Saleen, Porshe, Shelby
- Called his BMW car the XYZ car
- His Lightning McQueen dinky car, the new car Stephanie & Ahron got him along with Sheriff and the big car from Lou & Kae Anne and the kids
- His Thomas the train track with lift bridge and crane, he had Thomas, James, Percy, Bill & Ben and the two Aquarium cars that Daddy brought back for him from his trip to Las Vegas in Jan/07
- Loved his lawnmower and would always follow Kyle with it when he mowed the lawn
- His swing set, enjoyed swinging and going down the slide
- His red car that Krista gave him when he was little, he rode it around the kitchen island almost every day
- His purple bicycle and the mickey mouse car at nonno’s house